Thursday 20 June 2024

 It`s that`s January JINX in June this time!

In the early hours of Saturday 1st June I tripped over my own feet on the way to the bathroom probably half asleep at the time and bounce off a corner of the hallway. Followed by a trip to my local A & E for a x-ray and painkillers and it could be sometime before I`m back out cycling again! 

Monday 15 January 2024


 Thought I had better do an update as you can see from my 2023 mileage it wasn`t a great year for my cycling and I`m still not cycling yet! 

Sunday 5 February 2023


It`s that January jinx again!

The month started off well a couple of short local rides on the Raleigh then on 24th I had a fall indoors! Just tripped over something I should have moved weeks ago, nothing broken just badly bruised knee and ribs. So not sure when I`m out again cycling mileage 23.02

Sunday 13 February 2022

Sunday 13th February

 Another late start to my cycling year because of a nasty chest infection at the start of the New Year which took over three weeks to get over it! Weather wise its been a funny old one nice and mild like Spring then the next day back to a sharp frosty morning! And its been breezy at time too like this morning on my first ride out on the Raleigh only did 7.50 miles around the local roads, traffic was very light at 8am Schools half term may have sometime to do with it!   

                                                St. Nicholas Church South Ockendon  

Monday 22 February 2021

Sunday 21st February

 This morning was my first ride out since November 17th 2020 and only a short one and on the Raleigh and all on local roads! Found loads of new potholes, the snow & ice and freezing temperature we had from the 7th to the 14th  didn`t help. And I still found some flooded roads which I didn`t fancy cycling through not knowing what's under the water! So just 7.60 miles done on a lovely and mild spring like morning.

                                                      The Green South Ockendon  


Thursday 24 September 2020

September 20th

 Thought it was time for an update!

So all my rides out have been on the Raleigh and all on local roads so mileage is less than 30 miles. Mostly early morning at weekends with only a couple of mid-week outings, no hospital appointment so I can`t put blame them on that for not getting out. Though I have been unwell a few times mostly silly colds.

Sunday September 20th I set off at 7am cloudy but warm still and of course on the Raleigh with a destination of Bulphan. As during the week on the 15th the some of Bulphan villagers had a small Memorial Service near the playing fields. This was for Spitfire Pilot Officer Gerry Langley age 24 who was shot down on the 15th September 1940 just outside this village. I couldn`t get to the Memorial Service on the day, so I thought I would take a look at the new Plaque on Sunday.

So I took my normal route out along North Road and those horrible New Chicanes but they are okay on an early Sunday morning I`m glad to say. Fen Lane led me to Bulphan where after I had taken some Photo's I had a chat with another cyclist. 

Retracing my outward route back to the Harrow Bridge to have a look more closely at the New Glass House Retreat building still not sure what its all about? I had another chat with another cyclists and then took Dunnings Lane to St. Marys Lane and Pike Lane to reach home by 9.20 with just 14.30 miles on the clock.


Thursday 26 March 2020

Sunday 15th March 2020

Well it`s been a rough start to the year with......
January & February unable to cycle or walk at times! All started in December with a mild lower back pain, then in the early hours of Boxing Day morning I fell over indoors on my way to the bathroom. I just felt dizzy and went down, don`t know how long I was out for but woke up and went back to bed. The lower back pain became more painful so I phoned NHS 111 they called a Doctor out to me who called an Ambulance! Two nights in Basildon Hospital and I was told lower back pain could be due to your cycling accident in 2014, and you need a MRI scan. As for the dizziness nothing could be found for this after a number of tests. So I came out of Hospital with this......
....but refused the home help I was offered! The frame didn`t last long and I was soon out and about on a walking stick and eventually gave that up too. And on Sunday 15th March I finally took the old Raleigh downstairs and had a short but sweet ride around the local roads. Glad it was dry out but it was a bit windy so found it a bit hard in the headwind and carrying the bike back upstairs again was no problem.
Mileage just 8.50 miles, photo taken at St. Nicholas Church, which is one of the 6 Round Tower Churches in Essex.