Monday 9 June 2014

Sunday 8th June

A lovely sunny and warm morning greeted me as I set off on the Rory at just after 6am with no idea where I was a going! I took the lumpy route out to Brentwood and then onto the B1002 to Ingatestone and Margaretting then into Wantz Rd which eventually led me to Writtle. After s short stretch along the A1060 I turned onto Chignall Rd and headed for Great Waltham. At Howe Street I turned into Parsonage Lane and over the River Chelmer and under the A130 and made my way to Littley Green and Willows Green. To find a lovely stretch of newly laid tarmac nearly all the way to Rayne Station. Where I stopped for a cuppa but found I was too early as the Booking Hall Cafe didn`t open until 09.30 and it was only just after 9am! Never mind I had some iron rations and had a look at the railway carriage. 
Then I set off again through Duckend Green to Great Saling which had a teashop that was open, but I was enjoying myself so much cycling along these lanes I`ve not been down for many years that I really didn`t want to stop. I also passed Andrews Airfield which I knew had a cafe but again I didn`t stop here either. A short stretch on the B1256 and then over the A120 to reach Felsted and the village shop for a bottle of water and an ice cream! Then onto North End where I met loads of speeding cyclists coming towards me it was a Sportive and I had them for many miles on these narrow lanes. On through Stagden Cross and High Easter to Four Wantz to reach Willingale and Fred`s bus shelter for my iron rations. From here it was my normal route back through Blackmore and Doddinghurst to South Wealds and Upminster to reach home at 14.45 with 78.34 miles on the clock. A most enjoyable day in the saddle was had, plus I topped up my suntan!
At either end of Great Waltham village there was an old cycle chained up to the sign, also there was a large banner beside the road, advertising something to do with a cycle event on Monday 7th July?

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